Hey hey! Happy Monday! If you're a website or a blog owner trying to get more traffic, KEEP READING. Between declining reach on social, increased competition, and rising advertising costs, marketing your business can feel like you're fighting a losing battle. 🤺 Never fear! Pinterest is here! Get the ultimate guide to driving website traffic from Pinterest in 2021 More than 80% of U.S. moms and 40% of U.S. dads are on Pinterest, so if you're in the business of enriching people's lives in ANY form or fashion — there's a gigantic audience ready and waiting to hear from you. 👂 And believe me when I say there is always a way to make Pinterest work for you to generate traffic for your website. In this no-fluff guide, you'll learn how to: - Tweak your messages and content to appeal to a variety of different audiences 🌈
- Create Pins that get clicks 👀
- Use keywords to put yourself in the spotlight 🔦
- "Think like a Pinner" to craft the perfect Pin — EVERY time 📌
- Maintain a strategy that works 💪
Get the ultimate guide to driving website traffic from Pinterest in 2021 Think about how YOU use Pinterest! Betcha visit a ton more websites than you do through Facebook or Instagram. In fact, Pinterest is more like a search engine than you think, and getting in front of millions of eyes is wayyy easier than clawing your way to the front page of Google. We've even included a bonus checklist for you to use to ensure you make the right Pins the right way to drive the right traffic for you — because wondering, "Am I doing this right?" is a huge waste of brainpower and doing what isn't working isn't building your business! 🏗️ Get the ultimate guide to driving website traffic from Pinterest in 2021 Get off the web traffic rollercoaster and be confident that you're doing everything you can to get the most visitors possible — no matter which way the Pinterest wind is blowing today! You've got this in the bag. 🛍️ ~ Alisa from Tailwind | |
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