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NEW: Tailwind Auto-Crops Instagram Posts to the Correct Ratio

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NEW! Crop Your Instagram Photos + Automatic Smart Cropping for Auto Post

For members using Auto Post for Instagram, you'll now be able to crop your Instagram photos right inside Tailwind to ensure your posts are always within the aspect ratios required by Instagram.  Yay!  🙌

🎉Bonus: Tailwind will automatically set a default "smart" crop if you upload a photo that's too wide or too tall for Instagram, so you don't even need to lift a finger! 

Auto Post is required to take advantage these new cropping features, so you'll need an Instagram business profile to get started. If you don't yet have one it only takes a minute to make the switch (blog post). Then head on over to the Tailwind for Instagram dashboard and click on the brightly colored bar at the top of the page to enable Auto Post. 


Once you've enabled auto posting, you'll also be able to manually crop any image in Drafts by hovering over that post and clicking on the crop icon that appears in the top left corner.

Stay tuned for more Auto Post updates…

We're preparing to launch a bunch of awesome new features specifically for Instagram business accounts that use Auto Post in the coming months, so it's a great time to make the switch!

Enable Auto Posting
Happy scheduling!

Melissa Megginson, Marketing Manager 
P.S. You can now switch between auto-post and notification reminders for simple Instagram Story scheduling. Learn more!
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