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Confessions of a Former Pinterest Skeptic 🤔

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Pinterest Marketing for Skeptics

For years, Kevin thought Pinterest was stupid. This shouldn't come as too much of a surprise as he was 30-year-old man, and when Pinterest first launched, it was clearly targeting women. However, he was wrong. Here's how guest writer Kevin Espiritu increased his Pinterest traffic 250% in one month.

Read time:  9 minutes

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Pin-Worthy Events:

Pinterest for Business
Friday, June 8th at 3CT
Free online event for bloggers and online store owners who want to learn how to harness the power of Pinterest for more traffic, leads, and sales. No Fluff. No Gimmicks. Including Pinterest's Brand New Best Practices for Success on Pinterest in 2018. 

What We're Reading:

If you have any questions, comments, or just want to make my day and say "hi", simply reply to this email. I hope you have a great rest of your week - filled with activities that would make Pinterest jealous.

Thanks for your time :)
Melissa Megginson, Marketing Manager 
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